Weight Loss Tools

Food Journal.docx

Printable Journal

Print this journal to track your food and beverage intake

SMART Goals and Habit Tracking

Set a "Smart Goal"

Setting goals is essential for success. Goals should never be about perfection. The focus should be on consistency and improving overall well-being.

SMART goals are the best way to be sure you are on the right path. SMART goals are:

 Specific to what you want to accomplish and why it is important. They are 

Measurable to allow you to track progress and see results through numbers and documentation

Attainable - a realistic expectation of yourself. Make your goals 

Relevant - something you are passionate about

Time Specific to complete   

Habit Tracker (1).pdf

Habit Tracker

A habit tracker is a visual queue used to help motivate you to reach your goals. 

After making your SMART goal, how are you going to ensure that you accomplish it? By using a habit tracker!

Using this document, you will record how often you complete your goal throughout the week.  

You may feel that you did not meet your goals like you did the week prior, and that is okay! The idea is to build habits and achieve your goals over time, and it may not look perfect!

Online Food Tracking Apps

How to Food Log on Apps

Online Hydration Tracking Apps